ATF Goes After Gun Owners – Again

The radical Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF), under the Biden regime, is once again attacking law-abiding gun owners with entrapment and other schemes to deny them their Constitutional rights.  This is another example of the lack of equal justice for Conservatives, while ANTIFA terrorists continue to foment anarchy unimpeded.

The ATF needs to be abolished.  It has never been a useful federal entity and has routinely overstepped its Constitutionally-limited bounds to persecute gun owners and the American People.

As I’ve stated on my website, I believe our West Virginia law enforcement elements, particularly the Attorney General, should investigate any federal law enforcement activities apparently undertaken for political motives that impact the people and specific citizens of West Virginia.  I believe the Attorney General should be collaborating with other Attorney’s General to initiate such investigations and should cooperate with those members of Congress that should be exercising oversight of this rogue agency, and other rogue entities, such as the FBI and Department of ‘Justice.’  

Congress has oversight and some limited investigative powers over these federal agencies, but with Biden’s cronies in charge of Congress, nothing will be done.  The States’ Attorney’s General have greater authorities to investigate these Constitutional violations by the federal government.  We cannot sit back and wait.  We have waited while the Left has stolen our Rights over the last 40 years.  We need to stop waiting for another election.

Montani Semper Liberi