Biden’s Fascist Ministry of Truth

The Biden regime is increasingly showing its fascist totalitarian tendencies, most recently by its creation of an Orwellian 1984-style Ministry of Truth, codenamed the “Disinformation Governance Board” or DGB. This fascist DGB will focus on suppressing non-Leftists and manipulating speech to allow the Biden fascists to steal upcoming elections, as well as create the narratives to justify more totalitarian actions. This blatant fascism must be fought at every level.

It is time for our state governments to stop playing defense and go on offense. This is clearly an anti-Constitutional act by the Biden regime. It should be declared so by the Governor and the Attorney General. Any effort to enforce an action by the DGB that impacts West Virginia in any way should be declared illegal, and those attempting to direct or enable those actions in violation of our state Constitution and laws. Our state courts should be directed to ignore any federal legal efforts to enforce any DGB action in West Virginia, as DGB actions are not protected by the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, since their actions are not in pursuance of the Constitution as stipulated by the Supremacy Clause. As I’ve indicated in other posts, we should be engaged in similar actions regarding illegal immigrants being trafficked into our state by federal agents and private entities.

I also recommend contacting Senators Machin and Capito to tell them to vote against every Biden nominee for any position in the judiciary and the executive branch. Preventing Biden’s cronies from taking office will slow his drive towards totalitarian control.

We can kid ourselves and pretend we are not in a battle for the survival of our country and our Liberty, or we can confront reality and take actions now to defeat the forces of tyranny. This is a battle that we must fight now with the tools we have at hand. We have to fight this political revolution now to take back our country. Waiting until elections that may not happen or will be skewed by this DGB and other fascist actions by the Biden regime will be too late.…/bidens-new-ministry-of-truth……/bidens-ministry-of-truth/

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