Campaign Fundraiser Thank You

I would like to thank those responsible for arranging our campaign September 15th fundraiser at the Bavarian Inn. This was a great event made possible particularly due to my terrific Campaign Treasurer Jim Ruland, my daughter-in-law Amanda and son Matt, Gary Dungan, my volunteers – Mary-Sophia Smith and Christy Stadig, and my incredible wife, Jean.

I would also like to acknowledge and thank the host committee – Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, Senator Patricia Rucker, Majority Whip Paul Espinosa, Delegates Jason Barrett, Don Forsht, and Chuck Horst, my great friend Steve Harris and others who were not able to attend, as well as our many distinguished guests.  

Thank you to all who attended. It was a very successful event and we raised a good sum of money that will go a long way to supporting the campaign. We will continue to spread the message.

Montani Semper Liberi