A tremendous victory for Mountaineers and the American people. The House of Delegates and Senate passed the Joint Resolution on the Convention of States resolution last night. West Virginia is now the 18th state in the Union to require a Convention of States to work on amendments to the Constitution to reign in the power of the Federal Government and its oppressive overreach and bloated growth.
This is a time to celebrate, as West Virginia’s actions will now encourage more states to join and may give us the momentum to develop a Convention that will help return power to the People and the State Legislatures.
But this is also a time to redouble our efforts to take our Country back from the Leftists who control the Federal Government and bureaucracy.
Our State Government must lead the way by not only challenging the Federal Government’s unconstitutional actions in the courts, but also by defying the Federal Government’s actions that degrade our Liberty and our Way of Life. We are not abject subjects of government to be ruled over by politicians and bureaucrats. We are the People and WE control our own Destiny.
Remember Ronald Reagan’s great quote:
“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.”
Montani Semper Liberi