I strongly support House Bill 2159, which limits federal efforts and ability to infringe on the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment is crucial in ensuring that the People retain the power to defend themselves and their God given Rights. We have seen in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many other countries how a government that has rescinded the rights of the people to keep arms can impose tyranny without fear that the People will forcefully oppose that tyranny.
This very well written bill directly challenges the federal government’s authority to take anti-Constitutional actions. It correctly points to this federal overreach as a violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. This bill is an example of how the State Legislature should be the People’s principal bulwark against federal government overreach.
In my proposed legislation, I am calling for non-cooperation by West Virginia law enforcement with politically-motivated federal investigations, prosecutions, or activities, and for West Virginia law enforcement entities, principally the Attorney General, to investigate any federal law enforcement activities apparently undertake for political motives that impact the people and specific citizens of West Virginia. This type of legislation is necessary to protect the People of West Virginia from an oppressive federal government.
House Bill 2159 – https://www.wvlegislature.gov/Bill_Status/bills_text.cfm?billdoc=HB2159%20INTR.htm&yr=2022&sesstype=RS&i=2159
Montani Semper Liberi