Judge Removes Hope for West Virginia Students

This article does a good job identifying why the ruling by the activist judge to effectively terminate the Hope Scholarship is wrong.  But there is a larger issue. This judge has unethically decided to eliminate a state legislature-sanctioned school choice program severely impacting the People of West Virginia based on her judgment alone. Judges should not be in a position to overrule the will of the People. Our government was founded on the concept that the People should rule, not oligarchs. The state legislature represents the will of the People of West Virginia, not some corrupt judge.

This judge is one of the oligarchs – part of the cabal who wants to control our lives. The People and their representatives are the intended guardians of our country and our state, not reputed political elites who believe we are subjects and treat us as such. Our state legislature needs to begin the process of overthrowing this oligarchy. As legislators, we need to have the courage to defy the oligarchs and throw them back into the swamp.  

Our legislature needs to establish a means to overrule outrageous decisions by corrupt judges like this one. This is something I will work with other legislators to do. The People, not corrupt judges, need to be the masters of our state’s fate.

Montani Semper Liberi

Judge Removes Hope for West Virginia Students
