The Ministry of Truth Lives

“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

Mark Twain

The Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) is reportedly paused, but I do not believe it is disbanded or the Biden regime’s mission of attacking free speech has been stopped in any meaningful way. In my experience in the federal government, the deep state bureaucracy will continue to do the mission and just realign the functions and camouflage who is doing it and how it is being done. If a senior federal official, in this case the entire Biden regime, wants an effort to continue, it simply spreads the mission out among several inaccurately named elements and continues the mission. The point is to fool the People and Congress, and continue deep state’s support for the Leftist agenda.

I saw this while in DoD counterintelligence regarding the Russia hoax against President Trump. I was a senior counterintelligence official in the Defense Intelligence Agency at the time.  The DoD counterintelligence services were easily the nation’s best counterintelligence elements. My agency saw no indications of a Russia-Trump campaign connection. But the corrupt FBI cut DoD counterintelligence out of the issue and colluded with elements of the CIA to continue the hoax. This was a hidden effort that most of responsible federal government officials were unaware of. But the corrupt FBI director, Comey, and the corrupt CIA director, Brennan, wanted to get rid of Trump, so their counterintelligence elements did not engage DoD, since we would have told them they were full of crap.

That is why I not only suspect, but know, that the DGB’s mission will continue in other elements in the federal government. Never assume the federal government is going to do the right thing, unless it is forced down their leadership’s throat.

Shortly after I wrote this, the Biden regime came through again and announced that they were in fact continuing the DGB in another form. This is what we can expect from a regime focused on division and tyranny, not one focused on unity and Liberty.

Montani Semper Liberi