The Ongoing Biden Economic Disaster

The Biden regime is apparently manipulating economic data to create the illusion of a good labor environment. In reality, as the article identifies, what we are seeing and witnessing in Jefferson County and West Virginia, is families’ being forced to take on more jobs to pay our bills. Unlike the Democrat leadership, we can’t print money. Many families must take on more full time jobs just to put food on the table and gas in their cars. 

Many years ago I received a masters degree in Economics, and can understand the impending catastrophe of the Democrat leadership’s design. The Inflation Production Act, courtesy of Joe Manchin, is part of their plan. They want to use inflation to create a massive, disguised tax on the people, in part to control all of us. What they are creating are the conditions not for a recession, but a depression. We are on the cusp of a disaster. But Biden is not only an American catastrophe, he and his Democrat leadership are a global tsunami of disaster. This disaster is part of their Great Reset.

We cannot sit back and watch our economy be destroyed. We must have leaders that will fight back and defend our state.

Montani Semper Liberi