West Virginia Response to Possible Food Shortages

As I mentioned in a previous post about Ukraine, food shortages are an ominous threat. Catastrophic policies by the Biden regime are threatening our ability to get basic necessities. Food and fuel shortages worldwide and increased starvation will occur globally, and that will impact us here. This is why national policies often have major and disastrous local consequences. We can continue to focus on local issues and ignore the sources of churn around us that will eventually engulf us, or we can confront those sources. Our state government needs to stand up to the federal government and make it clear we will not be misruled.

We are on the verge of an economic crisis that we have not seen since at least the late 1970s, but in reality not since the beginning of World War II. The track record of the Biden regime has been wrong on everything, so depending on Biden to do anything to correct the situation is foolish. We can whine about Sleepy Joe, or complain that nothing can be done, or we can take some real action. We need to declare an agricultural emergency and, together with other states, mobilize our agricultural resources to maximize production until the crisis is brought under control. If the Left can declare a virus emergency, we can declare the same for an actual emergency. The federal political bureaucrats will attempt to prevent this, but our state government needs to confront them head on and assert our authority as a sovereign state with the responsibility to ensure the protection of our citizens.

Federal Leftist-driven agricultural policies require percentages of corn and wheat be grown expressly for biofuels to appease their radical environmentalist wing. Now is the time for state governments to abandon these policies/defy federal mandates and grow food for America and the world. Increasing wheat and corn production will employ WV citizens. Local surpluses can be sold and processed locally for our People. When the cities are rationing and going without, agriculture based localities can feed their own, store food for the future and thrive.

Montani Semper Liberi



My email to the Commissioner of Agriculture:

Our media and the President state we are facing large scale food shortages in the near future. What is West Virginia doing about this impending crisis?

– William Ridenour